KSL Formality (존댓말 있나요?)

Hey guys! To make this blog one sentence, yes. 반말 style signs tend to be more short and curt while 존댓말 signs are done more fully. There’s also your body language indicating politeness vs more casual closeness. And of course the infamous “you”. In 존댓말 you put your hand out, palm facing up, with fingerContinue reading “KSL Formality (존댓말 있나요?)”

How to Learn Korean Sign Language

FOR THOSE WHO DONT LIKE READING, HERE IS A YOUTUBE VIDEO. CHECK THE DESCRIPTION FOR SOURCES. OTHERWISE, EVERYTHING IS IN THIS BLOG . . . You can do a search for Korean Sign Language on youtube and find quite a few videos. You will have to search in Korean though. You can search for 수화Continue reading “How to Learn Korean Sign Language”