한글 Konglish reading practice

Had this coffee today and it is apparently Korean coffee. The phrase is written in both English and Korean, but it is still good practice since even Konglish doesn’t sound like the English equivalent word due to the rules of the Korean language and alphabet. ~ Here’s a graph in case you need to reviewContinue reading “한글 Konglish reading practice”

달다 vs 달콤하다 vs 달달하다 (words meaning ‘sweet’)

They all mean ‘sweet’, but they different nuances 달다 used to describe food This is the most common word that you will see for sweet. It’s also the one that you will most likely be taught in a class or online course. It’s a neutral word, meaning it can be used to indicate that aContinue reading “달다 vs 달콤하다 vs 달달하다 (words meaning ‘sweet’)”

Examples of Dropping Formalities #2

Part 1 can be found here ~ Person 1 Female, 20 So I met this girl on Tandem. She messaged me super friendly and we talked for 2 hours before I went to bed and then for 5 or so hours the next morning. She had taken a nap and didn’t go to bed untilContinue reading “Examples of Dropping Formalities #2”