Walk 걷다 vs 산책하다

걷다 this refers to the literal act of walking 걸어가다 is to go somewhere by foot.걸어오다 is to come somewhere by foot.-> both are basically “to walk somewhere” and the difference is in whether you would use 가다 or 오다 for your sentence 산책하다 this is used for leisure activity and exercise. it is betterContinue reading “Walk 걷다 vs 산책하다”

달다 vs 달콤하다 vs 달달하다 (words meaning ‘sweet’)

They all mean ‘sweet’, but they different nuances 달다 used to describe food This is the most common word that you will see for sweet. It’s also the one that you will most likely be taught in a class or online course. It’s a neutral word, meaning it can be used to indicate that aContinue reading “달다 vs 달콤하다 vs 달달하다 (words meaning ‘sweet’)”

Saying “almost” in Korean! (거의 • 뻔하다 • 하마터면)

Please remember that I am not fluent and this is just my understanding. Let me know if there’s mistakes! ____________________________________________ 을/를 뻔하다 ->Almost verbed, but didn’t ->Indicates relief that the action didn’t occur    -when deciding how to add ㄹ follow normal future tense rules ->Used with past tense “if” statements to say “If this didn’t happen,Continue reading “Saying “almost” in Korean! (거의 • 뻔하다 • 하마터면)”

“to fail” 불합격 vs 떨어지다 vs 실패 vs 낙방

불합격/떨어지다: Both of these are used for “to fail a test” however most commonly used is 떨어지다 which literally translates to “fall/drop” 시험에 불합격하다 / 시험에 떨어지다to fail a test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 실패: to fail at an attempt 인생에 실패했어to fail at life 수영에 실패했어failed at swimming 다이어트에 실패했어failed at dieting 셀카 실패selfie fail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 낙방:Continue reading ““to fail” 불합격 vs 떨어지다 vs 실패 vs 낙방”

ghost ( 귀신 대 유령 )

Both mean ghost and koreans don’t really care. A ghost is a ghost! (By this I mean that if you say you saw, or are afraid of, 귀신 they’re most likely not gonna give you 3rd degree to see if it really was a 귀신) . . . 귀신 ghost with a human figure(This isContinue reading “ghost ( 귀신 대 유령 )”