한글 Konglish reading practice

Had this coffee today and it is apparently Korean coffee. The phrase is written in both English and Korean, but it is still good practice since even Konglish doesn’t sound like the English equivalent word due to the rules of the Korean language and alphabet. ~ Here’s a graph in case you need to reviewContinue reading “한글 Konglish reading practice”

Beginner Worksheet 2

FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT MARKER. 1) 한국__ 가고 싶어요 -> I want to go to korea 2) 한국__ 낮 두 시예요 -> It is 2pm in korea 3) 햄버거__ 먹었어요 -> I ate a hamburger 4) 고양이__ 없어요 -> There are no cats 5) 병원__ 일해요 -> I work at a hospitalContinue reading “Beginner Worksheet 2”

Grammar Conjugation Practice (Beginner 1)

This exercise isn’t to practice the grammar itself, but to practice how to conjugate it with the different verbs/nouns. This exercise covers 아/어서, 으면, 의, 은/는, 이/가, and 을/를 Properly combine the given word with the grammar point: Conjugate using past, present, and future tenses when applicable (not all grammar points utilize the 3 tenses)Continue reading “Grammar Conjugation Practice (Beginner 1)”

Writing 1

I just tried to create some random sentences to expose you to grammar and vocab🤷‍♀ In the answer section, I note grammar you should study for that sentence. Hope you enjoy it! ☆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~☆ Translate into English 1) 케이팝을 좋아해요. 2) 드라마를 봤어요. 3) 한국에 가고 싶어요. 4) 물을 2(두) 병 주세요. (number spelled out inContinue reading “Writing 1”